# Kalkutago A multi-user Tickmate clone for the web ## Development ### Before you start The backend uses a postgres server which is not tracked as a part of the repository, and neither is the password for it. You'll need to generate a password by doing something like ```console openssl rand -base64 36 > server/postgres.pw ``` The development environment uses Traefik to reverse-proxy the API and dev server. In production, the API will serve the client directly, but this system allows you to run the dev server behind a reverse proxy so that changes are rendered quickly without having to rebuild the container. Using the vite dev server also gets us better debugging in the browser. However, that means that Traefik needs a hostname to listen for. The way I've done this is by adding the following entry to my `/etc/hosts` file: ``` kalkutago ``` ### Server The server is written in Rust, using Rocket and SeaOrm. It uses Rust nightly, so you'll need to `rustup override set nightly`, though it gets built in docker so you really only need this for IDE support. ### Client The client is a Vue application. It has a central state in [`state.ts`](client/src/state.ts). On application load, the state is initialized by fetching the current tracks and ticks via the API, and then subscribes to updates from the server by opening an EventSource at `/api/v1/updates`. The basic flow is: - a user interaction happens which should trigger a state change - the action is dispatched to the server (e.g. by making a PATCH request to `/api/v1/tracks//ticked`) - the server makes the appropriate change to the database - an event is dispatched to the event sources subscribed via `/api/v1/updates` - The client receives the event, the reactive state is updated, and the UI changes to match the expected state. ### Running for development `docker-compose_dev.yml` is symlinked to `docker-compose.yml` for now, so once the hostname is set up Just run `docker-compose up --build` and visit http://kalkutago/ to open the app ### Populating the database In order to see the UI components I add a track to the database like ```console curl --json '{"name": "test", "description": "test track", "icon": "❓", "enabled": 1}' kalkutago/api/v1/tracks ```