const video = document.getElementById('video') const item_title = document.getElementById('item_title') const audio = document.getElementById('audio') const audio_title = document.getElementById('audio_title') const modal = document.getElementById('modal') const download_watermark = document.getElementById('download_watermark') const download_nowatermark = document.getElementById('download_nowatermark') // -- HELPERS -- // const getHash = () => window.location.hash.substring(1) const getVideoDataById = (id) => { const el = document.getElementById(id) if (el) { return el.dataset } return false } const isModalActive = () => modal.classList.contains('is-active') const toggleButton = (id, force) => document.getElementById(id) ? document.getElementById(id).toggleAttribute('disabled', force) : alert('That button does not exist') // -- MODAL -- // const swapData = ({ video_url, desc, video_download_watermark, video_download_nowatermark, music_title, music_url }) => { video.src = video_url item_title.innerText = desc download_watermark.href = video_download_watermark download_nowatermark.href = video_download_nowatermark audio_title.innerText = music_title audio.src = music_url } const showModal = (id) => { const dataset = getVideoDataById(id) if (dataset) { swapData(dataset) modal.classList.toggle('is-active') } } const hideModel = () => { video.pause() audio.pause() video.currentTime = 0 modal.classList.toggle('is-active') toggleButton('back-button', false) toggleButton('next-button', false) history.pushState('', document.title, window.location.pathname + } const getPrevOrNext = (forward) => { const hash = getHash() if (hash) { const el = document.getElementById(hash) if (el) { if (forward) { return el.parentElement.nextElementSibling ? el.parentElement.nextElementSibling.children[0] : null } return el.parentElement.previousElementSibling ? el.parentElement.previousElementSibling.children[0] : null } } return null } const moveVideo = (forward) => { // Re-enable buttons toggleButton('back-button', false) toggleButton('next-button', false) const new_el = getPrevOrNext(forward) if (new_el) { window.location.hash = } else { // Max reached, disable buttons depending on direction if (forward) { toggleButton('next-button', true) } else { toggleButton('back-button', true) } } } // EVENTS // const hashChange = () => { if (window.location.hash) { const hash = getHash() if (hash) { // Check first if the modal is already active if (isModalActive()) { // If it is, get hash video id and swap data const dataset = getVideoDataById(hash) if (dataset) { swapData(dataset) } } else { showModal(hash) } } } } const swapImages = (e, mode) => { let img = null let gif = null if (mode === 'gif') { const a = img = a.children[0] gif = a.children[1] } else if (mode === 'img') { gif = img =[0] } if (img && gif) { if (!gif.src) { gif.src = gif.dataset.src } img.classList.toggle('hidden') gif.classList.toggle('hidden') } } document.getElementById('modal-background').addEventListener('click', hideModel) document.getElementById('modal-close').addEventListener('click', hideModel) document.getElementById('back-button').addEventListener('click', () => moveVideo(false)) document.getElementById('next-button').addEventListener('click', () => moveVideo(true)) window.addEventListener('hashchange', hashChange, false) // Image hover const images = document.getElementsByClassName("clickable-img") for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { images[i].addEventListener('mouseenter', e => swapImages(e, 'gif'), false) images[i].addEventListener('mouseout', e => swapImages(e, 'img'), false) } hashChange()