2023-09-27 13:24:27 +02:00

21 lines
976 B

# APP_URL="http://localhost:8000" # Absolute path to proxitok instance
# LATTE_CACHE=/tmp/proxitok_api # Path for Latte cache, leave commented for ./cache/latte
# API_SIGNER="remote"
# API_SIGNER_URL="http://localhost:8080"
# API_TEST_ENDPOINTS=true # Uncomment for usage of testing TikTok endpoints, may help sometimes
# API_CACHE=redis
# Redis cache, used on Helpers\CacheEngines\RedisCache (CHOOSE ONE)
# REDIS_HOST=localhost # Host or path to unix socket
# REDIS_PORT=6379 # Set to -1 to use unix socket
# REDIS_PASSWORD=example # Leave commented for no password
# JSON cache, used on Helpers\CacheEngines\JSONCache
# API_CACHE_JSON=/tmp/proxitok_api # Path for JSON API Cache, leave commented for ./cache/api
# PROXY="https://user:password@host:port" # Host to be used as proxy, make sure to type a valid protocol. Available: http:// | https:// | socks4:// | socks5://
# USER_AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (Android 12; Mobile; rv:109.0) Gecko/109.0 Firefox/109.0"