2022-09-25 19:53:00 +02:00

135 lines
5 KiB

namespace App\Helpers;
use App\Cache\JSONCache;
use App\Cache\RedisCache;
use App\Constants\CacheMethods;
class Wrappers {
* Setup of Latte template engine
static public function latte(): \Latte\Engine {
$latte = new \Latte\Engine;
$cache_path = Misc::env('LATTE_CACHE', __DIR__ . '/../../cache/latte');
// Get URL with optional endpoint
$latte->addFunction('path', function (string $endpoint = ''): string {
return Misc::url($endpoint);
// Version being used
$latte->addFunction('version_frontend', function (): string {
return \Composer\InstalledVersions::getVersion('pablouser1/proxitok');
$latte->addFunction('version_scraper', function (): string {
return \Composer\InstalledVersions::getVersion('pablouser1/tikscraper');
$latte->addFunction('theme', function(): string {
return Cookies::theme();
// UrlBuilder
$latte->addFunction('url_stream', function (string $url): string {
return UrlBuilder::stream($url);
$latte->addFunction('url_user', function (string $username): string {
return UrlBuilder::user($username);
$latte->addFunction('url_video_internal', function (string $username, string $id): string {
return UrlBuilder::video_internal($username, $id);
$latte->addFunction('url_video_external', function (string $username, string $id): string {
return UrlBuilder::video_external($username, $id);
$latte->addFunction('url_download', function (string $url, string $username, bool $watermark): string {
return UrlBuilder::download($url, $username, $watermark);
$latte->addFunction('number', function (float $x) {
if($x > 1000) {
$x_number_format = number_format($x);
$x_array = explode(',', $x_number_format);
$x_parts = array('K', 'M', 'B', 'T');
$x_count_parts = count($x_array) - 1;
$x_display = $x;
$x_display = $x_array[0] . ((int) $x_array[1][0] !== 0 ? '.' . $x_array[1][0] : '');
$x_display .= $x_parts[$x_count_parts - 1];
return $x_display;
return $x;
return $latte;
* Setup of TikTok Api wrapper
static public function api(): \TikScraper\Api {
$method = Misc::env('API_SIGNER', '');
$url = Misc::env('API_SIGNER_URL', '');
if (!$method) {
// Legacy support
$browser_url = Misc::env('API_BROWSER_URL', '');
if ($url) {
$method = 'remote';
} elseif ($browser_url) {
$url = $browser_url;
$method = 'browser';
$options = [
'use_test_endpoints' => Misc::env('API_TEST_ENDPOINTS', false) || isset($_COOKIE['api-test_endpoints']) && $_COOKIE['api-test_endpoints'] === 'yes',
'signer' => [
'method' => $method,
'url' => $url,
'close_when_done' => false
// -- PROXY CONFIG -- //
$proxy_host = Misc::env('PROXY_HOST', '');
$proxy_port = Misc::env('PROXY_PORT', '');
if ($proxy_host && $proxy_port) {
$options['proxy'] = [
'host' => $proxy_host,
'port' => $proxy_port,
'username' => Misc::env('PROXY_USERNAME', null),
'password' => Misc::env('PROXY_PASSWORD', null)
// Cache config
$cacheEngine = null;
if (isset($_ENV['API_CACHE'])) {
switch ($_ENV['API_CACHE']) {
case CacheMethods::JSON:
$cacheEngine = new JSONCache();
case CacheMethods::REDIS:
if (!(isset($_ENV['REDIS_URL']) || isset($_ENV['REDIS_HOST'], $_ENV['REDIS_PORT']))) {
throw new \Exception('You need to set REDIS_URL or REDIS_HOST and REDIS_PORT to use Redis Cache!');
if (isset($_ENV['REDIS_URL'])) {
$url = parse_url($_ENV['REDIS_URL']);
$host = $url['host'];
$port = $url['port'];
$password = $url['pass'] ?? null;
} else {
$host = $_ENV['REDIS_HOST'];
$port = (int) $_ENV['REDIS_PORT'];
$password = isset($_ENV['REDIS_PASSWORD']) ? $_ENV['REDIS_PASSWORD'] : null;
$cacheEngine = new RedisCache($host, $port, $password);
return new \TikScraper\Api($options, $cacheEngine);