2023-09-17 12:50:31 +10:00

79 lines
3.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from requests import request,get,put,post,patch,delete
from os import environ
host = environ.get("DEPLOY_HOST", "")
auth = {"Authorization": environ.get("AUTH_KEY", "")}
path = environ.get("TEST_PATH", "/devtestpath")
print(f"Running tests on {host}")
# unauth get /
req = get(host, allow_redirects=False)
assert req.status_code == 301 and "http" in req.headers["location"] # unauth get /
# auth get /
req = get(host,headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 200 # auth get /
# unsupported method
req = request("OPTIONS", host)
assert req.status_code == 405 # unsupported method
# unauth requests to auth methods
reqs = put(host),post(host),delete(host)
assert all(req.status_code == 403 for req in reqs) # unauth requests to auth methods
# auth put wo data
req = put(host + path,data={},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth put wo data
req = post(host + path,data={},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth post wo data
req = patch(host + path,data={},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth patch wo data
# auth put invalid url
req = put(host + path,data={"u": "golf sale"},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth put invalid url
req = post(host + path,data={"u": "golf sale"},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth post invalid url
req = patch(host + path,data={"u": "golf sale"},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth patch invalid url
# auth put wo path
req = put(host,data={"u": ""},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth put wo path
req = post(host,data={"u": ""},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth post wo path
req = post(host,data={"u": ""},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth patch wo path
# auth put valid
req = put(host + path,data={"u": ""},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 201 # auth put valid
req = get(host + path, allow_redirects=False)
assert req.status_code == 302 and req.headers["location"] == ""
req = post(host + path + "post",data={"u": ""},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 201 # auth post valid
req = get(host + path + "post", allow_redirects=False)
assert req.status_code == 302 and req.headers["location"] == ""
req = patch(host + path + "patch",data={"u": ""},headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 201 # auth patch valid
req = get(host + path + "patch", allow_redirects=False)
assert req.status_code == 302 and req.headers["location"] == ""
# auth delete wo path
req = delete(host,headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 400 # auth delete wo path
# auth delete valid
req = delete(host + path,headers=auth)
assert req.status_code == 200 # auth delete valid
# req = get(host + path, allow_redirects=False)
# assert req.status_code == 404
except AssertionError: