Fork 0
forked from TWS/meta

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No commits in common. "main" and "main" have entirely different histories.
main ... main

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@ -1,54 +1,12 @@
# New projects # New projects
## Creating the main repository ## Initializing the repository
This will initialize and create an empty git repository. 1) Create the repository on at `git.tams.tech/tws` first and clone
1. Visit `git.tams.tech/tws` and click "`New Repository`". 2) Push an empty commit to the `main` branch with the message 'init':
2. Set the 'Owner' to `TWS`. `git commit --alow-empty -m 'init'`
3. Give the repository/project a name. Good repository names use short, memorable and unique keywords. 3) All further work to be merged from a branch on a fork
4. _(optional but recommended)_ Enter a short description of what this repo does / is for. 1) Return to the web interface at `git.tams.tech/tws` and click the "fork" button
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and press "`Create Repository`". 2) Clone your forked repo
3) Add the upstream (ex: `git remote add upstream ssh://git@git.tams.tech:2222/TWS/meta-tasks.git`)
## Clone the main repository 4) You can then fetch upstream changes and merge them to your fork
Here we will clone the main repository and do some initial setup. 5) Opening PRs should typically be from your fork's work branch to the upstream main
1. Clone the repository to your machine, where `<PROJECT>` is the name of the project.
git clone https://git.tams.tech/TWS/<PROJECT>
2. Create a `README.md` file. This file should have a longer description of what the project is. You can be as detailed as you like.
touch README.md
3. Create a `.gitignore` file. This file should include any file, extension, directory, or pattern you wish to **NOT** be tracked by git.
touch .gitignore
4. Push the initial work done so far.
git add .
git commit -m init
git push origin main
5. Once the changes can be seen at `https://git.tams.tech/TWS/<PROJECT>`, you can delete the local repository on your computer.
## Forking the project
All work to a project should ideally be done in a fork and not in the main repository.
This write up will walk you through the process of forking through the web interface.
1. Visit `https://git.tams.tech/TWS/<PROJECT>` and in the upper right hand corner press "`Fork`".
2. Leave everything default as all the information for 'Owner', 'Repository Name' & 'Description' should be correct. Press "`Fork Repository`".
3. You should now be able to visit `https://git.tams.tech/<YOU>/<PROJECT>`, where `<YOU>` is your username & `<PROJECT>` is the name of the project.
4. Clone the repository to your machine.
git clone https://git.tams.tech/<YOU>/<PROJECT>
5. Add the main repository as upstream. This will allow you to fetch upstream changes and merge them into your fork.
git remote add upstream https://git.tams.tech/TWS/<PROJECT>
**WARNING**: Do **NOT** push to upstream unless you have gone through a Pull Request! Only use the upstream remote to `PULL` in new changes.
You can now work on the project, commit changes, and submit Pull Requests from your fork to the main upstream repository repository.