Every app class has to be inside the namespace `Pinetime::Applications::Screens` and inherit from `Screen`.
The constructor should have at least one parameter `DisplayApp* app`, which it needs for the constructor of its parent class Screen.
Other parameters should be references to controllers that the app needs.
A destructor is needed to clean up LVGL and restore any changes (for example re-enable sleeping).
App classes can override `bool OnButtonPushed()`, `bool OnTouchEvent(TouchEvents event)` and `bool OnTouchEvent(uint16_t x, uint16_t y)` to implement their own functionality for those events.
If an app only needs to display some text and do something upon a touch screen button press,
it does not need to override any of these functions, as LVGL can also handle touch events for you.
If you have any doubts, you can always look at how the other apps are doing things.
Both of these files should be in [displayapp/screens/](/src/displayapp/screens/)
or [displayapp/screens/settings/](/src/displayapp/screens/settings/) if it's a setting app.
Now we have our very own app, but InfiniTime does not know about it yet.
The first step is to include your MyApp.cpp (or any new cpp files for that matter)
in the compilation by adding it to [CMakeLists.txt](/CMakeLists.txt).
The next step to making it launchable is to give your app an id.
To do this, add an entry in the enum class `Pinetime::Applications::Apps` ([displayapp/Apps.h](/src/displayapp/Apps.h)).
Name this entry after your app. Add `#include "displayapp/screens/MyApp.h"` to the file [displayapp/DisplayApp.cpp](/src/displayapp/DisplayApp.cpp).
Now, go to the function `DisplayApp::LoadApp` and add another case to the switch statement.
The case will be the id you gave your app earlier.
If your app needs any additional arguments, this is the place to pass them.
If you want your app to be launched from the regular app launcher, go to [displayapp/screens/ApplicationList.cpp](/src/displayapp/screens/ApplicationList.cpp).
Add your app to one of the `CreateScreen` functions, or add another `CreateScreen` function if there are no empty spaces for your app. <br>