> The PineTime is a free and open source smartwatch capable of running custom-built open operating systems. Some of the notable features include a heart rate monitor, a week-long battery as well as a capacitive touch IPS display that is legible in direct sunlight. It is a fully community driven side-project, which means that it will ultimately be up to the developers and end-users to determine when they deem the PineTime ready to ship.
The **Pinetime** smartwatch is built around the NRF52832 MCU (512KB Flash, 64KB RAM), a 240*240 LCD display driven by the ST7789 controller, an accelerometer, a heart rate sensor, and a vibration motor.
- Create companion app for multiple OSes (Linux, Android, iOS) and platforms (desktop, ARM, mobile). Do not forget the other devices from Pine64 like [the Pinephone](https://www.pine64.org/pinephone/) and the [Pinebook Pro](https://www.pine64.org/pinebook-pro/).
I’m not working alone on this project. First, many people create PR for this projects. Then, there is the whole #pinetime community : a lot of people all around the world who are hacking, searching, experimenting and programming the Pinetime. We exchange our ideas, experiments and code in the chat rooms and forums.
- [Atc1441](https://github.com/atc1441/) : He works on an Arduino based firmware for the Pinetime and many other smartwatches based on similar hardware. He was of great help when I was implementing support for the BMA421 motion sensor and I²C driver.
- [Koen](https://github.com/bosmoment) : He’s working on a firmware based on RiotOS. He integrated similar libs as me : NimBLE, LittleVGL,… His help was invaluable too!
- [Lup Yuen Lee](https://github.com/lupyuen) : He is everywhere: he works on a Rust firmware, builds a MCUBoot based bootloader for the Pinetime, designs a Flutter based companion app for smartphones and writes a lot of articles about the Pinetime!